
CountFilter.sort_by_principal_component(component: PositiveInt, ascending: bool = True, power_transform: bool = True, inplace: bool = True)

Performs Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and sort the table based on the contribution (loadings) of genes to a specific Principal Component. This type of analysis can help you understand which genes contribute the most to each principal component, particularly using single-list enrichment analysis. .

  • component (positive int) – the Principal Component the table should be sorted by.

  • ascending (bool (default=Trle)) – Sort order: ascending (negative loadings at the top of the list) versus descending (positive loadings at the top of the list).

  • power_transform (bool (default=True)) – if True, RNAlysis will apply a power transform (Box-Cox) to the data prior to standartization and principal component analysis.

  • inplace (bool (default=True)) – If True, perform the operation in-place. Otherwise, returns a sorted copy of the Filter object without modifying the original.


None if inplace=True, a sorted Filter object otherwise.