The fastq module provides a unified programmatic interface to external tools that process FASTQ files. Those currently include the CutAdapt adapter-trimming tool, the kallisto RNA-sequencing quantification tool, the bowtie2 alignment tool, and the featureCounts feature counting tool.
Align paired-end reads from FASTQ files to a reference sequence using the bowtie2 aligner. |
Align single-end reads from FASTQ files to a reference sequence using the bowtie2 aligner. |
builds a bowtie index from FASTA formatted files of target sequences (genome). |
Convert SAM files to BAM files or vice versa using Picard SamFormatConverter. |
Convert SAM/BAM files to FASTQ files using Picard SamToFastq. |
Convert SAM/BAM files to FASTQ files using Picard SamToFastq. |
Assign mapped paired-end sequencing reads to specified genomic features using RSubread featureCounts. |
Assign mapped single-end sequencing reads to specified genomic features using RSubread featureCounts. |
Find duplicate reads in SAM/BAM files using Picard MarkDuplicates. |
builds a kallisto index from a FASTA formatted file of target sequences (transcriptome). |
Quantify transcript abundance in paired-end mRNA sequencing data using kallisto. |
Quantify transcript abundance in single-end mRNA sequencing data using kallisto. |
Convert SAM/BAM files to FASTQ files using Picard SamToFastq. |
Convert SAM/BAM files to FASTQ files using Picard SamToFastq. |
Align small RNA single-end reads from FASTQ files to a reference sequence using the ShortStack aligner (version 4). |
Sort SAM/BAM files using Picard SortSam. |
Trim adapters from paired-end reads using CutAdapt. |
Trim adapters from single-end reads using CutAdapt. |
Validate SAM/BAM files using Picard ValidateSamFile. |