
class rnalysis.enrichment.RankedSet(ranked_genes: Union[Filter, List[str], Tuple[str], ndarray], set_name: str = '')

Receives a ranked gene set, sorted by any biologically-meaningful value (expression level, fold-change, etc) and preforms various enrichment analyses on them. ALl functions that can be applied to FeatureSet objects can also be applied to RankedSet objects.

__init__(ranked_genes: Union[Filter, List[str], Tuple[str], ndarray], set_name: str = '')
  • gene_set (filtering.Filter object, set of strings or list of strings) – the set of genomic features to be used in downstream analyses

  • set_name (str) – name of the FeatureSet

>>> from rnalysis import enrichment, filtering
>>> my_set = enrichment.FeatureSet({'gene1','gene2','gene2'}, 'name of my set')
>>> filter_obj = filtering.CountFilter('tests/test_files/counted.csv')
>>> my_other_set = enrichment.FeatureSet(filter_obj, 'name of my other set')


Add an element to a set.

RankedSet.biotypes_from_gtf(gtf_path[, ...])

Returns a DataFrame describing the biotypes in the table and their count.


Returns a DataFrame describing the biotypes in the gene set and their count.


Change the 'set_name' of a FeatureSet to a new name.


Remove all elements from this set.


Return a shallow copy of a set.


Calculates the set difference of the indices from multiple FeatureSet objects (the indices that appear in the first FeatureSet object but NOT in the other objects).


Remove all elements of another set from this set.


Remove an element from a set if it is a member.


Filters out all features that do not match the indicated biotype/biotypes (for example: 'protein_coding', 'ncRNA', etc).


Filters out all features that do not match the indicated biotype/biotypes (for example: 'protein_coding', 'ncRNA', etc).

RankedSet.filter_by_attribute([attributes, ...])

Filters features according to user-defined attributes from an Attribute Reference Table.

RankedSet.filter_by_go_annotations(go_ids[, ...])

Filters genes according to GO annotations, keeping only genes that are annotated with a specific GO term.


Filters genes according to KEGG pathways, keeping only genes that belong to specific KEGG pathway.

RankedSet.find_paralogs_ensembl([organism, ...])

Find paralogs within the same species using the Ensembl database.

RankedSet.find_paralogs_panther([organism, ...])

Find paralogs within the same species using the PantherDB database.

RankedSet.go_enrichment([organism, ...])

Calculates enrichment and depletion of the FeatureSet for Gene Ontology (GO) terms against a background set.


Calculates the set intersection of the indices from multiple FeatureSet objects (the indices that exist in ALL of the FeatureSet objects).


Update a set with the intersection of itself and another.


Return True if two sets have a null intersection.


Report whether another set contains this set.


Report whether this set contains another set.

RankedSet.kegg_enrichment([organism, ...])

Calculates enrichment and depletion of the FeatureSet for Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) curated pathways against a background set.


Map genes to their nearest orthologs in a different species using the Ensembl database.


Map genes to their nearest orthologs in a different species using the OrthoInspector database.


Map genes to their nearest orthologs in a different species using the PantherDB database.

RankedSet.map_orthologs_phylomedb(...[, ...])

Map genes to their nearest orthologs in a different species using the PhylomeDB database. This function generates a table describing all matching discovered ortholog pairs (both unique and non-unique) and returns it, and can also translate the genes in this data table into their nearest ortholog, as well as remove unmapped genes.


Calculates enrichment and depletion of the FeatureSet for user-defined non-categorical attributes against a background set using either a one-sample T-test or Sign test.


Remove and return an arbitrary set element.


Remove an element from a set; it must be a member.


Save the list of features in the FeatureSet object under the specified filename and path.


Calculates enrichment and depletion of the sorted RankedSet for user-defined attributes WITHOUT a background set, using the generalized Minimum Hypergeometric Test (XL-mHG, developed by `Prof.


Calculates enrichment and depletion of the sorted RankedSet for Gene Ontology (GO) terms WITHOUT a background set, using the generalized Minimum Hypergeometric Test (XL-mHG, developed by `Prof.


Calculates enrichment and depletion of the sorted RankedSet for Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) curated pathways WITHOUT a background set, using the generalized Minimum Hypergeometric Test (XL-mHG, developed by `Prof.


Calculates the set symmetric difference of the indices from two FeatureSet objects (the indices that appear in EXACTLY ONE of the FeatureSet objects, and not both/neither).


Update a set with the symmetric difference of itself and another.

RankedSet.translate_gene_ids(translate_to[, ...])

Translates gene names/IDs from one type to another.


Calculates the set union of the indices from multiple FeatureSet objects (the indices that exist in at least one of the FeatureSet objects).


Update a set with the union of itself and others.


Calculates enrichment and depletion of the FeatureSet for user-defined attributes against a background set.